Disability Discrimination Sample Letter

If you are about to file a complaint for disability discrimination, the best way to do it is by letter so the message can be clearly understood. There are certain ways a letter should be written so that it has an effect that encourages action to be taken.

This is How a Complaint Letter Should Be Laid Out:

1.  The subject line should be clearly written, e.g. “Official Complaint

      of Disability Discrimination.”

2.  Tips for the body of the email:

  • All the facts should be written clearly;
  • There shouldn’t be any sugarcoating;
  • The date, time and location of the discrimination should be mentioned at the start of the letter;
  • The details of the discrimination should come next;
  • If there are any useful witnesses to the discrimination their name and contact details should be in the letter.

What to Include in a Discrimination Complaint Letter

If you face discrimination in the workplace, the first step to getting justice involves contacting a human resources manager. To contact a human resources manager, you need to submit a discrimination complaint letter. You can hand the letter to the human resources manager, as well as mail it digitally or through the United States Postal Service (USPS).

The discrimination complaint letter should include several sections, with the first section providing a detailed account of every act you faced in the workplace that you feel was discriminatory. This includes describing the type of discrimination, as well as which employee or employees committed an illegal act of discrimination. Adding the dates and times when the acts of discrimination occurred gives your discrimination complaint letter a considerable amount of credibility.

One of the key sections of a discrimination complaint letter is to explain why you faced discrimination. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on several demographic factors, such as race, gender, and religious beliefs. After mentioning the type of discrimination, you then provide an in-depth account that connects an act of discrimination with one or more of the demographic factors listed under Title VII.

For example, if an employee that is experiencing a disability did not receive the same bonus awarded to the members of the team that are not experiencing a disability, the worker might have a strong enough workplace discrimination claim. If you suffered any physical injuries that were caused by one or more discriminatory acts, make sure to include the information in your discrimination complaint letter. You also should include information that describes the mental and emotional distress that discrimination in the workplace triggered.

Example of a Disability Discrimination Letter

Dear Manager /Supervisor: 

I am currently employed as a computer operator at your company. This is a formal letter of complaint for disability discrimination that I have experienced while working for your company. I formally request that you investigate my allegations and take appropriate action to stop this happening now and into the future. The harasser is (name).  The following are the events that I believe constitute discrimination:

On (date) (Harasser’s name) approached me at the afternoon break in the kitchen and told me that my disability prevented me from doing the job that I have been paid to do.

On (date) (Harasser’s name) later informed me that however hard I tried to negotiate for accommodations for my disability I was never going to win and the only way I could expect to keep my job was to keep up with fellow work colleagues who did not have the same disability as I had.

On (date), I said I wished to apply for a promotion. (Harasser’s name) told me there was no way I was ever going to get promotion with my type of disability. In fact, s/he went on to say that the company was on the look-out for new blood and my disability would no longer be appropriate for these newly defined positions.

On (date) (Harasser’s name) went to my supervisor after several attempts at showing I couldn’t compete for jobs in the company with my disability and told me that I should call him a master just like my parents called their boss several decades ago. He went on to say that if I didn’t I was breaching employee/ supervisor protocols and I would be reported to the company boss for the way I had behaved.

It is clear that I have not only been discriminated due to my disability but I have also been told to be subservient to my supervisor without any clear reason for doing so. I intend to file a disability discrimination claim based on the way I have been treated and I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you so we could discuss this situation and how it can be addressed. 

Thank you.

(Your name)

What Are Some Examples of Disability Discrimination?

There are many examples of discrimination in the workplace. Workers can be victims of discrimination because of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, and many other reasons.

Also, ADA discrimination remains to be a problem despite strict laws.

Workplace discrimination can occur when a supervisor, co-worker, employer, or vendor treats an employee unfairly based on disability, gender, skin color, ethnicity, religion, or age – if older than 40. There are laws in place to prohibit workplace discrimination.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as it was amended, protects applicants and employees from employment discrimination based on color, religion, sex, and national origin.

This is federal law, so it nationwide. Many states have their own laws in place, which offer added protections. You should check your state laws as well to see what laws your employer has violated.

Examples of discrimination:

  • Being the victim of discriminatory remarks based on your sexual orientation
  • A manager requesting sexual favors in return for work advancement
  • Being sent offensive texts and inappropriate jokes by texts or email
  • Being given undesirable work duties or shifts because of your appearance
  • Being told you do not fit in, or no one like you should do the job

ADA discrimination can occur when your employer fails to meet reasonable accommodations so you can do the job. That means that you may request large print documents, or you may need a special chair for you to sit at your desk.

It may mean that you cannot climb stairs and you ask for a job on the first floor or you need to work in a building with an elevator.

How an Employment Lawyer Can Help

Filing a complaint about the way you have been treated at work due to your disability is not an easy thing to do. However, filing a complaint not only helps you to regain your self-respect but it helps others to overcome disability discrimination too.

If you decide to get help from an employment lawyer, they can assist you in seeking compensation on your behalf if your employer has discriminated against you solely due to your disability. Complete the Free Case Evaluation today.

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