How Long Does A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Take?

Submitted by rtg on

If you’ve been a victim of sexual harassment at work of course you don’t want to have to focus on what happened to you for longer than necessary. Here’s how long you can expect a sexual harassment lawsuit to take from start to finish.

How Long Does A Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Take?

If you are suing a previous employer because of sexual harassment there are certain steps that the lawsuit must go through before a settlement phase can be reached. If you have lots of evidence and supporting documentation that can speed up the process, it’s always recommended to have as much evidence as possible.

In most cases, a sexual harassment lawsuit takes between 10-18 months from start to finish. But there are a number of different factors that can impact how long the actual lawsuit takes like:

  • How long the discovery process takes
  • How many witnesses both sides have
  • How long the settlement negotiations take

At every step of the lawsuit process, you need to have a sexual harassment lawyer advocating for you if you want to keep the case moving forward. A good sexual harassment attorney will be able to negotiate on your behalf and make sure that the lawyer working for your employer doesn’t let the case drag on. 

How Long Do I Have To File A Sexual Harassment Claim?

There are time limits for filing a sexual harassment claim against an employer. If you were sexually harassed at work and you want to file a complaint with the EEOC you must file that complaint within 300 days. 

After you receive a letter from the EEOC that gives you the right to sue your employer you only have 90 days after the date on the letter to file a lawsuit. That’s why it’s a good idea to talk with an attorney who specializes in sexual harassment cases before you file your EEOC complaint. Having expert advice and assistance from the start will ensure that you don’t miss any important filing deadlines. 

What Is The Timeline For Filing A Sexual Harassment Claim?

The timeline for a sexual harassment claim varies based on a lot of factors, like how many cases are ahead of yours, how long attorneys take to deliver necessary paperwork, and so on. But the general timeline for a sexual harassment claim is:

  • Filing a complaint with the EEOC
  • EEOC investigates your claim
  • You are awarded a “right to sue” letter by the EEOC
  • You file a lawsuit against your employer
  • The discovery process begins
  • Settlement talks happen
  • The court case proceeds
  • If no settlement is reached a judgment is issued.

Successful settlement negotiations can shorten the duration of the case quite a bit. Having a sexual harassment lawyer negotiate for you is strongly recommended. 

Contact An Employment Law Lawyer

Sexual harassment lawsuits can be upsetting to go through, and it’s important that you have a sexual harassment attorney helping you to make sure that you get the damages you’re entitled to. 

Fill out the Free Case Evaluation now to get connected with an independent attorney who subscribes to the website and may be able to help you with your case.

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