Am I Being Sexually Harassed At Work?


Sexual harassment in the workplace is a real problem. Despite the laws that have been enacted to protect workers from sexual harassment, it continues to be a problem. While sometimes sexual harassment is obvious, there are some more subtle instances in which harassment occurs and you may question the validity of your claim.

Am I being sexually harassed at work? Has a coworker touched, grabbed, or made other contact with you without your consent? If so, that is sexual harassment.

What is quid pro quo sexual harassment? That occurs when a manager or supervisor ask you for sexual favors in return for something. This could include offering you a raise if you would date them.

Has your manager made inappropriate jokes about your gender? If your manager made comments like women cannot handle this job or men are too whiny to handle real work, then that could be considered sexual harassment.

Are you subjected to inappropriate images? Are there nude photographs hanging in your place of employment, or does your manager have a computer screensaver that is sexually revealing? If so, that could be sexual harassment if the problem isn’t addressed after you comment about it.

Has your manager threatened your hours or your position if you don’t comply with their advances? If your manager asks you out and you decline, then he or she says that you will be given an undesirable work schedule or demoted, then it could be considered sexual harassment.

Is a one-time occurrence sexual harassment? If your employer addresses the issue after you complain, it may not be considered sexual harassment. If the problem is ongoing, or if your employer doesn’t take your complaint seriously, then it may be considered sexual harassment.

How do I file a complaint regarding sexual harassment? If you have been the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, you will start by talking with your manager or human resources department. They will need to take action and then respond to your request. If you don’t get a satisfactory response, or if your employer doesn’t take your complaint seriously, you will advance with your claim to the EEOC.

Can I sue for sexual harassment? If your claim cannot be settled by the EEOC, they will suggest that you file a lawsuit and that the claim proceed to court for a ruling.

What To Do if You Are Being Sexually Harassed At Work

If you are the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, you will need to report it to your manager or supervisor or to the company’s human resources department. You will need to maintain supporting documentation and evidence for your claim and provide copies of your evidence. Your employer should take your complaint seriously and then investigate. The goal is to ensure that the problem is stopped and that you are not harassed again.

If your employer fails to properly address the problem, or if it persists, then you will need to file a complaint with the EEOC. The EEOC will investigate the matter and ensure that the problem is properly and promptly addressed. If your employer is found to be intentionally breaking the law, or if an agreement cannot be made, the EEOC may suggest that you file a lawsuit against your employer to recover compensation for your damages caused by the harassment.

Get Help With Your Sexual Harassment Claim

You do have rights, and there are several laws that apply to sexual harassment in the workplace. If you have been the victim of sexual harassment while on the job, you should enlist the help of an employment law attorney who handles sexual harassment cases. With the help of an attorney, you will get your claim on the right track.

Time is limited for pursuing a claim. Usually, you only have 180 days from the incident to file a claim against your employer and ask to be compensated for your damages. If you wait until that deadline has passed, you cannot recover compensation for your damages. It is important to make sure your claim is field while the incident is still fresh in everyone’s memory and while there is evidence and documentation to gather.

To share the details regarding your sexual harassment claim, complete the Free Case Evaluation Form on this page. An attorney who handles sexual harassment in the workplace and other employment law matters will review the details and determine how to get your claim underway.

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