Sexual harassment is unfortunately still a common problem in some workplaces like restaurants. Employees may face different forms of sexual harassment that can be uncomfortable and which may make life miserable at work.
If the restaurant manager makes sexual advances towards you at work, then this is illegal, like all unsolicited workplace sexual harassment and there are steps you can take to get it stopped. The tips below may give you an idea of what you can do initially if you are harassed by your restaurant manager at work.
Tip 1: Ask Your Harasser to Stop
It may seem intimidating, but it is best to ask your manager to stop making advances towards you as soon as you can. Tell him / her that it makes you feel uncomfortable and that it is affecting your ability to do your job.
Your employer cannot just fire you for complaining about sexual harassment. This is also illegal in both state and federal legislation.
It is also advisable to write, email or send a text message to your manager detailing the reasons for asking them to stop. This response can be kept as a copy and will form part of the ‘paper trail’ of evidence if things get out of hand and you have to take your complaints further.
Tip 2: Keep a Paper Trail
It is wise to make a record of what exactly happened and when you experienced sexual harassment. This type of behavior can take many forms from innuendo, jokes, emails, texts and social media comments of a sexual nature right through to unwanted physical touching, groping and more serious and criminal behavior such as sexual assault or rape.
Whenever you decide to make a formal complaint about the sexual advances being made towards you, it is useful to have this ‘paper trail’ to provide as evidence. Include any responses you have made to the harasser to show that you have made the attempt to let the manager know that what he / she is unacceptable.
Tip 3: File a Formal Letter With HR
The next step to take if the manager does not stop making sexual advances to you is to make a formal complaint with another level of management above the person who is harassing you.
There may be a HR department if you work in a chain restaurant branch or you may need to file a complaint directly to the employer or owner of the restaurant.
If this is the restaurant manager, i.e. if it is an owner operated restaurant you may need to go straight to a state or federal agency like the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC).
It is usually the state agency that deals with discrimination in he workplace that will investigate complaints of sexual harassment in small workplaces, but often the laws are identical or very similar to those overseen by the EEOC.
Tip 4: Speak to an Attorney
Dealing with unwanted sexual advances by a restaurant manager can be a difficult task. If you decide to make any formal complaint outside the workplace you should talk to an employment attorney first to discuss your legal options. The attorney will know whether to use a state or federal anti discrimination body and if this doesn’t work, whether a lawsuit may be the best option.