5 Tips to Win Your Religious Discrimination Claim

Submitted by eric on

If you have been a subject of religious discrimination in the workplace, you may be able to pursue a claim against your employer.

This is because federal law states it is illegal for an employer to subject any employee to discrimination based on religious beliefs, gender, age, sexual orientation, color or ethnicity. As long as you have a detailed record of the times and dates when the religious discrimination took place this will give you a greater chance of you winning your religious discrimination claim.

Some tips to help you with your religious discrimination claim are given below.

Tip 1: Prove a Pattern of Discrimination

You will need to prove that the religious discrimination is not just a one off event but has taken place regularly while you have been an employee like asking you to remove your hijab or skull cap on a regular basis or not paying you the same amount as another employee in the same job. 

Tip 2: Include Evidence

Proving religious discrimination is not easy, so you will need to gather sufficient evidence of religious discrimination that will support your claim. Depending on how the discrimination is taking place you should keep any text messages, phone voice recordings, emails and notes placed on your desk or computer screen that prove you are a victim of religious discrimination.

Tip 3: Keep Detailed Notes

As the religious discrimination takes place you should take notes of the action leveled against you due to your religious affiliation such as being asked to remove a hijab when it is clearly not necessary or being told you can’t pray at a certain time of day which is determined by your religion. You should keep a record of the times and dates and how you were discriminated against.

Tip 4: File Your Claim in a Timely Manner

The Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) sets a statute of limitations of 180 days to allow people to file a religious discrimination claim.

However, if you live in a state with a state law protecting employees from religious discrimination, you may have longer. If you fail to act within the statute of limitations you will have lost your right to file a claim.

Tip 5: Speak with an Employment Law Attorney

An employment law attorney can help you with your religious discrimination in the workplace claim. A lawyer is familiar with the state and federal laws.

Be sure to discuss if the attorney takes cases on a contingency basis, or if the lawyer requires a retainer. This ensures you know how your attorney is to be paid. If you win your claim your attorney’s fees and any court fees will be included in your claim so you should not have to pay any upfront legal fees.

If you have suffered workplace discrimination because of religion, complete the Free Case Evaluation Form to share details with an attorney who handles these claims in your area. 

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