How Much Do Attorneys Charge For Wrongful Termination?

Submitted by rtg on

If you’ve been wrongfully terminated and you want to speak with an employment lawyer that specializes in wrongful termination it may cost less than you think. It’s always a good idea to speak with a wrongful termination lawyer if you have been wrongfully terminated to find out about your options. In some cases, it may cost you nothing upfront to speak with an experienced attorney. Wrongful termination lawyer costs can vary by law firm. Here are popular payment options. 

Hourly Fees

Hourly fees are set fees that are paid to an attorney for each hour that they work on your behalf. During the hours that they work for you, the attorney may be doing things like making phone calls, reading documents, or preparing documents that can help your case. 

Hourly fees are set by each attorney and they can vary from firm to firm, state to state, and city to city. Typically, hourly fees for an employment attorney range from $300 to $1500 depending on many different factors. 

Many attorneys offer a short free consultation where they can talk to you one-on-one about the services they provide and the hourly fees that they charge.


Retainers are another payment option that some lawyers use. A retainer is a set fee paid upfront before the lawyer begins work. It guarantees that the lawyer will make time to work on your case. Often companies will pay a retainer to a lawyer or legal firm to ensure that if they need legal help there will be help available to them. 

You may also enter into a lawyer retainer agreement with an employment lawyer. A lawyer retainer agreement is slightly different than a retainer because it’s a contract that has specific elements including:

  • Services to be provided
  • Duration of contract
  • Attorney per-hour rate
  • Billable costs to the client
  • Payment schedule

If you sign a lawyer retainer agreement you are essentially paying for the lawyer’s help upfront, and the actual costs will be deducted from what you paid. If there is any money left over once the lawyer’s services are complete that money will be returned to you. 

Contingency Fees

An employment lawyer who works on a contingency basis doesn’t charge anything upfront. Even the initial consultation that you have is free. A lawyer who charges a contingency fee gets paid at the end of the case after it is settled. The lawyer receives a percentage of the final settlement amount as compensation. 

Typically, that amount is 40% or less. Some states cap the amount of money that a lawyer can receive as a contingency fee. If the lawyer is unsuccessful in getting a settlement, then they don’t get paid anything. 

“Unbundling” of Services

“Unbundling” of services means that an employment lawyer only does certain tasks to help your case instead of doing all the work. They charge for each service or a reduced hourly rate for just the services that you need.

For example, you need an employment attorney to negotiate on your behalf with an insurance company or an employer, but you are able to fill out the paperwork yourself. Negotiation would be an unbundled service that you could pay for. 

Can I Get Free Wrongful Termination Help?

If you don’t have the money to hire an employment lawyer now because you’re struggling due to wrongful termination, there are some ways that you can get free legal help or defer the cost of hiring an attorney like:

Find A Pro Bono Attorney

Pro Bono attorneys are attorneys who will work for free to help people who need legal advice but don’t have the money to pay legal fees. Some attorneys do pro bono work as a charitable act. Others do it to get experience. You may be able to find local attorneys who do pro bono work through a legal aid service or the law school at your local college or university. 

Find An Employment Lawyer That Works On Contingency

Employment lawyers who charge contingency fees don’t need to be paid upfront. They only get paid when the case is done and you’ve received a settlement. Many employment lawyers work on a contingency basis. 

Negotiate The Fee

You can always try negotiating a lower fee with an employment attorney or trying to get them to unbundle services for you. If you don’t need a lot of help with your unlawful termination claim they may be willing to negotiate with you.

Get in Touch With A Wrongful Termination Lawyer

Don’t let a lack of money keep you from filing a claim if you have been fired illegally. Fill out a Free Case Evaluation now to get connected with a wrongful termination attorney who subscribes to the website and can help answer questions related to your wrongful termination claim.

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