How Are Discrimination Lawyers Paid?

Submitted by rtg on

Discrimination against employees may be illegal and employers can face penalties if the discrimination is found to have breached a state or federal anti-discrimination law. If you believe you have suffered from some form of discrimination in your workplace and have evidence of how you were discriminated against, you may be able to sue your employer and obtain compensation. Your chances of success are better if you hire a discrimination attorney to help you with your claim. 

What Do Discrimination Lawyers Do?

State and federal laws prohibit discrimination in the workplace. Legislation prohibits discrimination against an employer based on their age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, color, and religious affiliation. Employees experience discrimination if they are fired, not paid correctly, overseen for overtime or promotion, harassed, or intimidated because they belong to one of the categories given above. 

A claim of discrimination is usually filed with the appropriate state or federal anti-discrimination agency like the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC), but if the agency cannot resolve a complaint, the employee may decide to sue the employer in a civil court. Discrimination attorneys play a valuable role in protecting victims of discrimination rights and getting them the proper compensation they deserve. 

How Do Discrimination Lawyers Get Paid?

There are various ways in which a discrimination lawyer may be paid. This can be discussed when you have an initial meeting with a lawyer so that you can decide who you will hire.

The majority of discrimination attorneys offer a contingency fee arrangement. This means that the attorney only receives a percentage of the compensation awarded after a settlement has been reached. If the claim is lost, then the attorney will not receive a fee. 

The other main payment method is based on hours worked. The attorney will keep a record of the time spent representing the client and will bill based on the total time, whether the case is won or lost.

In some cases, an attorney may ask for a retainer in advance even if the case is taken on a contingency fee arrangement. This is to ensure the attorney does get some payment even if the case is lost.

If the case goes to court, i.e. a lawsuit is filed against the employer, attorney fees and court costs are often included in the amount of damages claimed.

When You Should Hire a Discrimination Lawyer

You should contact a discrimination attorney as soon as you believe you have experienced discrimination at work and believe that it is a breach of employment legislation designed to protect you from this activity. The discrimination lawyer will then be able to advise you whether to proceed with legal action against your employer and what your next steps should be.

Why You Should Hire a Discrimination Lawyer

Discrimination attorneys are experienced in workplace discrimination legislation and can provide valuable advice about the legitimacy of your claim that you were discriminated against and whether the discrimination you have described is a breach of state and/or federal legislation.

If you hire a discrimination lawyer, you should have a better chance of resolving your complaint against your employer and obtaining fair and appropriate compensation.


A discrimination lawyer can help you obtain evidence that supports your case against your employer and represent you if you decide to file a lawsuit.

Fill out the Free Case Evaluation to get connected with an independent attorney who subscribes to the website and may be able to help you with your case.

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