Filing A Claim with An Attorney


If you have reported sexual harassment to your supervisor and it is not addressed by your company, the next move is to file a lawsuit with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Once the case has been reviewed, and the EEOC discovers signs of sexual assault and efforts to settle the conflict have failed, the EEOC will send a right-to-sue notice to you. When this has been done, you reserve the right to bring a private lawsuit against your employer for benefits.

It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee for avoiding sexual advances, for resisting sexual harassment or for reporting sexual harassment. If the employee alleges sexual harassment and the company takes action against the employee on the grounds of her/his accusation, the employee may have a claim for retaliation. In order to be recognized as retaliation under the statute, the conduct must be one that will prevent a fair individual from disclosing harassment.

If you find that you are being sexually harassed at work, you should contact a professional employment attorney. An attorney will work with your workplace and try to bring an end to the harassment. An advocate will help you use the company's internal complaint system, answer the investigator 's questions, draft your service bill, and more.