Blog posts

    What are the Main Issues of Gender Discrimination?

    Submitted by cendy on

    Many people think that gender discrimination no longer takes place and is a thing of the past, especially because women in particular are seen in all areas of life from Presidents and Prime Ministers to CEOs of large companies and organizations.

    However, in ordinary everyday working life gender discrimination is abundant, such as getting pay parity with men at work, fewer opportunities for promotion, being the subject of unwelcome sexual harassment at work, being subject to racism more than men and being afraid to ask an employer to pay the same wage as male counterparts.

    What Is an Employment Law Lawsuit?

    Submitted by rachel on

    Employees have rights and if your employee does not take your rights into consideration and adhere to the law, you may be able to file a lawsuit against your place of employment. Violating employee rights can lead to a variety of damages, which may include lost wages, lost benefits, mental anguish, and so forth. Here is a closer look at employment law lawsuits and how they work.

    What Does a Discrimination Lawyer Do?

    Submitted by cendy on

    When you think about the damage done because of discrimination in the workplace, you probably think about the negative financial consequences of losing a promotion, or worse, losing your job. Although the financial consequences of discrimination in the workplace can be substantial, workers that face workplace discrimination can suffer from negative mental and emotional consequences as well.

    5 Things Employees Get Wrong About Whistleblowers

    Submitted by amm on

    There are some things that employees get wrong about what happens when they are a whistleblower. Whistleblowers are protected by federal law, and often there are state laws that provide added protections. Here is a closer look at the things employees often get wrong about whistleblowers and what to do if you are a whistleblower. With the right guidance, you can ensure your rights are protected.
